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Writer's picturePeter Bailey

Are We truly Divine?

As you progress through life, you may sometimes stop and ponder as I often do. This morning I happened to find myself reading an old Facebook post that I published last year as one of my “Early Morning Thoughts” series. The post (originally written in Italian), reads as follows:

If we are honest with ourselves, despite our claim to be the strongest race on this planet of all the beings on it, we are not, without the right tools, the right circumstances created by us, most of us would freeze or run in the face of some other beings that inhabit this planet, why? Because nobody wants to be somebody else’s meal for the day. There are sentient creatures out there that would think nothing of ending our lives in order for them to continue to live, in the same manner as we often do on to them, yet we have this habit and arrogance to pretend to be better than others, even when we are not.

Having said this, there is one thing that distinguishes us from other beings, our ability to communicate. When done correctly it can be a tool for growth, for the evolution of the individual and for the mass. On the other hand, when it is done incorrectly, it only leads to strengthening one's own and others' ignorance.

Communication is not only oral or written, but it can also be through images, sound, touch, and sensation ... for thousands of years we have been able to understand ourselves and others through our knowledge, to learn and evolve to have a language so refined that it is impossible, if not out of ignorance, not to be able to communicate properly.

One of the main systems of communication today, is technology, the same one that I am using to write and to spread my thoughts, and that you are using to read and listen to my thoughts. I am a person who lives in the moment, but I appreciate the history that makes me understand the possible future, I try not to judge and to be observant and all I observe seems to be the repetition of the past. Ignorance, although almost impossible, is still too grafted into society; Racism, Nationalism, Religion, Politics, Homophobia ... Are only part of this ignorance but are very much a part of it. Man, in his arrogance has the audacity to utter a truth to which he gives no value. He proclaims he is Divine, that he has descended and that he is part of the Divine, of creation, of all that is and is not, and I believe this to be true, however, his behavior is opposite to this claim, his mind, his ignorance, his arrogance is such that he has actually come to create that very hell that he feared so much that the Divine would give him, yet it is he who has created it as a living thing, he has created the very paradox he always claimed never to want. Yet if we observe without judging, we can see that that divinity is a part of us and that we are able to create our own future as a “human race”.

Man is indeed a Divine being, (and like him so is every other living creature), made of all that is creation, matter and not matter, as such he is capable of creating matter, of creating reality, it is only his arrogance that made him create the reality of now, and now history repeats itself? Do we need another genocide to get further away from our Divinity, from our Heart, from our very Souls? In the name of what would you fight this next war? For a false ideal? For a difference of belief, opinion, color, nature? And would you still have the courage to say that you are part of a race that considers itself Divine? A part of something you know that is bigger than you but that you still reject today? Do you really think you are so capable, so intelligent, that you are a part of this divine?

To be or not to be? A dilemma, or a simple question? To say that we are, to believe that we are, and to truly “Be”, are three very different things. Only one of them is real. Is it in communication that we first manifest our divine being, yet somewhere along the line, we forget to learn how to use this part of us, to be all that we are?

As I read these words I came to think of where I was back then, and of where I am right now, have I grown, have I been able to maintain this moment and create to be all that I can be? The answer is, maybe not in everything yet, but if you are reading this blog, maybe I have, maybe I am on my way to fulfilling what I had begun?

Another thought also came to mind as I read, what do we perceive as being a God?

In order to understand what other people’s perception of what a God may be, I did a quick search and came up with this description: A monotheistic concept of a supreme creator being, but our world belief are not all monotheistic, so we must also look at the other name that is often used in religions that believe in more than one god and call it by its rightful name as a deity or god and here we come across a description that better explains what is commonly meant and accepted. A supernatural being considered divine or sacred. The Oxford Dictionary of English defines deity as "a god or goddess (in a polytheistic religion)", or anything revered as divine. C. Scott Littleton defines a deity as "a being with powers greater than those of ordinary humans, but who interacts with humans, positively or negatively, in ways that carry humans to new levels of consciousness, beyond the grounded preoccupations of ordinary life". In the English language, a male deity is referred to as a god, while a female deity is referred to as a goddess.

This being the case, I can honestly say that I know many living gods, and most are treated as no god should ever be, yet in-spite of others they continue their work to make this a better place to live in and continue to bring growth to those who seek it. I am not talking about those in power who hold a position or have attained a certain level of consciousness, some live very ordinary lives and their work is seldom seen by others yet are felt by all after. These apparently very ordinary people who take on the responsibility of others are the core of what we may call the “Divine Plan”, as it is them who create and bring forth the changes that are necessary for us to evolve. Some of these people have abilities that go over the standard that we call normality, some have the ability to change things around them to their will, some can perceive things that others cannot naturally, without any kind of prior knowledge or training, but for the majority, it is also true to say that they are born as very ordinary people who with practice and knowledge are able to do this as can be seen in many oriental practices, and it is maybe because of the now availability of this knowledge that more and more are in a position where they can acquire that knowledge whereas beforehand that knowledge was privileged to a mere few.

In my 35 years of research I have met people who thought seemed very ordinary, possessed great power, and people who seemed to poses great power, be the very opposite of what they would say and/or claimed to be. So, what if anything distinguishes one from the other? The answer I believe may be found in what is the basis of creation and how it comes into being. Through my studies of this subject I have come to the understanding that all creation has 3 basic elements that can be seen even in everyday life. “Thought” or idea, a thought can be developed according to how much attention we might give it, from thought we develop the next stage which is intent. Once a thought has fully developed and we can see how this “Idea” might develop, it is our intent and to what we pay attention or not that then makes something happen, it is our ability to maintain the necessary concentration to fully develop our creation that will determine if the creation will come to be immediately or if it will take place or not. In order to create however we also need the knowledge that is necessary in order to be a creator, or rather how this thought can be transformed into a reality. Eastern Philosophy has been pursuing this for a lot longer than the Western world, it is, therefore, no coincidence that they have acquired that knowledge way before the rest of the world. This is probably due to the time dedicated to the control of the mind and the ability that comes with it to control both where our thoughts go to (direction/intent) and how they are developed and nurtured.

The second part of creation is done through words or …. “Communication”! Though knowledge may be acquired through personal experience, we tend to rely on, as is our nature upon information coming from others outside of ourselves, seldom do we listen to our intuition (especially if it brings us away from the wanted outcome), seldom do we stop and talk about what really necessitates at the moment, it is even rarer that we have a sufficient mastery of communication that we are able to portray or create through the use of words, yet some can, some do, why or better how? When we speak about communication we generally intend the spoken or written word, but communication is not just about this, Communication is about the ability to transmit our own thoughts to others, and we do so in many ways, what is often forgotten however is the fact that communication is 20% speaking or reading, and 80% listening, we also think of communication as only occurring within those parameters, yet we communicate through all 6 of our physical senses, the ability or discipline to not listen to idle brain chatter and to concentrate on what all our senses are telling us are a key factor in our personal journey, yet do we rarely stop and look at what the Universe and other people are really trying to tell us.

The third aspect that goes into creation is of course “Action”. Though I think that this stage should not need any kind of explanation, there is a principle behind it that still seems to escape many, a repetitive action as we are aware through the use of technology may be damaging, this is due to the fact we tend to continuously repeat the same actions in a wrong manner, a practical example of this can be seen in things like lifting something heavy or awkward, most people will attempt to do so in an incorrect manner which is why a person who has no knowledge of how to do this safely can injure themselves by lifting a relatively lightweight and an expert or amateur may lift a much greater weight repeatedly without causing any damage but instead obtaining the desired outcome.

As you can see at the basis of it all there is knowledge and communication, it is this that makes us a Creator or a God, the difference between a conscious creator and an unconscious one is that the first is doing so intentionally while the other is not, what differentiates whether they are able to achieve an immediate result or not is down to these 3 simple factors, there are other factors that come into the equation, but the principles are this.

Are all Spiritually conscious/Spiritually gifted people Creators more than the average person? The answer is no, both create, both are a cause for Joy and suffering in others’ lives, the principle difference between them is not the ability to do so, but the knowledge and discipline used by a true master who reveals not the why or how, but simply points you in a direction so you may grow to be all that you can Be and in doing so you become a conscious creator. A word of warning should also be dully done at this point, which can be easily explained in a quick reference to something that we can all relate to in some way or another, driving a vehicle. Having a driving license does not imply you are a safe or a good driver, it just states that on a day you were able to conduct a vehicle safely under the instruction of an examiner. Doing a certain amount of driving does not make you an expert driver, it just means that you have practiced at length. Knowing the laws in the land where you normally drive, does not make you an expert driver, it just makes you safe if you abide by them. These rules may change, if you were to drive in a different land where you have never been before, you will not be a good driver to them, your knowledge is different from theirs though there are obvious things in common. It is not until you learn their way to that you will be able to reach the expert level you sought in the first place and when you have achieved all of this and have become an “expert, good, international driver” all of what you will have achieved is that you can drive, freely, consciously, and that is all. Being the very best that we are all guilty of claiming at some point or another, is who you truly are, and the only way to know that is to truly know who you really are.

Understanding the laws of the universe, knowing them, and putting them into practice is as easy or as difficult as driving a car, has a lot to do with who teaches you and how, and how much you practice what you think, same as life is. Not driving a car just means that you can learn from others, but consciously or not, you do learn, this is unavoidable, not everyone wants either the knowledge or the responsibility that comes with it, they are there to observe and to gain with and through you, it could be them learning, so teach them not how good you are, but how to Be good at what they do.

Finding a skill or a gift which is a very essential part of who you have in front of you is, to me, a feeling, a sensation that I can easily distinguish from my own sensations, I have spent thousands of hours observing human nature and though I find arrogant the assumption that we are indeed divine creatures, this is not due to a belief that belongs to any dogma belonging to any of the various religions one might find around the world or any philosophy I might have encountered, nor to want or need to be opposed to any such organizations. The ability I have found with time was always there, what was missing for many years was maybe the right understanding of what is true compassion. In my findings, I have seen that this particular skill is usually some whatnot misunderstood, mainly through a serious lack of knowledge on our behalf as to what our nature truly is, which is usually also very different from what we are told. Though for me this has always been present, and quite often misunderstood by many, including myself, it is something that can be matured with time in most. In order to achieve that Divine that lays dormant in all of us we must first re-awaken it, and the only way to do this is to be constantly connected with who we really are and to allow everyone else to be connected to theirs. This does not mean to guard our secret teachings because they are to be given only to a few, today's society is rapidly changing and some traditions are beginning to dye out, yet this teachings are an essential part of our evolution and must be kept alive not due to reverence or fear, but through the love and compassion of those who can teach us how to BE divine rather obey or fear its judgment.

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