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Consultations ...

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Consultations intro:


As I have said before in my bio section, I have been aware of energy since childhood, it was only natural I guess that eventually I would go on and do something with it, I think I first realized I had a gift for reading cards when I was a child playing cards with the family, I would see cards and instinctively know it’s meaning, and observing the cards others discarded I could predict what would come up next in their lives. I was given my first set of Tarots at the age of 16 and have been reading them since, I also learned to read palms, tea, and coffee cups, not to mention that I am also extremely sensitive, and can psychically predict the outcome of most questions asked. While studying to develop my psychic gifts I also developed my mediumship. I also studied Astrology (Though I no longer offer this service anymore), Numerology, and many other forms of Divination, reaching a level of knowledge in most that allow me to teach many of these to others.  


With time as I have grown, as I pursued more interesting subjects such as “Subtle Energies” (Spiritual Energy), I first got involved with Reiki, which I still teach today through my Reiki Path School, I developed interests in Feng Shui, in Meditation, studying other subjects like Psych-, ThetaHealing and looked even deeper through other techniques and practices to do with personal growth and development acquired along the way.

I developed my own style of helping people who are committed to their path, and with it, my own “How to” achieve alignment with the self and the Universe.

The“Sibilla” Oracle Cards

Sibilla Oracle cards were a popular tool for divination in France in the 18th and 19th centuries. They are a regular deck of playing cards with the usual four suits, but they also show scenes from the daily life of the time. The Sibilla Oracle cards often have precise meanings - such as "Wedding" or "Trip to the Country" - which make them fun to explore for guidance in everyday affairs, particularly on the emotional field of our lives.


£: 45.00 

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“Tarot Oracle Cards”

The tarot first known as trionfi and later as tarocchi or tarock) is a pack of playing cards, used from the mid-15th century in various parts of Europe to play games such as Italian tarocchini, French tarot, and Austrian Königrufen, many of which are still played today.
In the late 18th century, some tarot decks began to be used for divination via tarot card reading and Cartomancy leading to custom decks developed for such purposes.

Like common playing cards, the tarot has four suits which vary by region: French suits in Northern Europe, Latin suits in Southern Europe, and German suits in Central Europe. Each suit has 14 cards, ten pip cards numbering from one (or Ace) to ten, and four face cards (King, Queen, Knight, and Jack/Knave/Page). These cards are commonly known as “Minor Arcana” and usually represent daily life and situations. In addition, the tarot has a separate 22-card trump suit known as the “Major Arcana”. These cards represent the Person’s Spiritual journey and path and can give great insight as to why and how some things can develop in our lives.


£: 45.00 


Most of you will probably be more familiar with Astrology than Numerology, the two however work in very different ways though do give a very similar result to the end-user. How numerology works is actually quite complicated and usually requires a “Master numerologist” like myself to provide detailed and accurate readings. Information about the subject can easily be found on many different websites about it, but a true interpretation takes true skill, practice & Time.

The idea behind numerology is that the cosmos and your life is affected by your birth date, birth name, and many other factors surrounding an individual. In this way, there are great depths that a numerology forecast can provide. Consequently, it can provide often astounding insights about somebody.

It is believed that there are no coincidences in the Universe that your name and birthday affect the journey that you will take and your characteristics, in the same way, that some look at horoscopes or astrology to interpret signs or destinies.

A numerology reading involves a lot of calculations. These calculations can go into many layers of depth with different numbers and combinations of numbers carrying various meanings. Even a basic reading based on your core numbers can be quite revealing. However, in the same manner, that numbers are infinite, someone's numerology chart can continue to be read from many perspectives as an ongoing project.


£: 75.00 

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“Dream Interpretation”

There are certainly more than enough books out there that give dream symbology, but why is it that we have dreams that we just cannot interpret for ourselves?

 Dreams are one of the most important tools of communication with our selves on all levels and it takes a particular knowledge in order to be able to fully understand what it is we are actually dealing with, within a particular dream. This is probably because people believe dreams are particularly meaningful: they assign more meaning to dreams than to similar waking thoughts. For example, people report they would be more likely to cancel a trip they had planned that involved a plane flight if they dreamt of their plane crashing the night before than if the Department of Homeland Security issued a Federal warning, as is the example that can be easily seen on many websites, and it is also true that we do not attribute equal importance to all dreams. Most appear to use a criteria known as motivated reasoning when interpreting their dreams. They are more likely to view dreams confirming their waking beliefs and desires to be more meaningful than dreams that contradict their waking beliefs and desires. This is due to the “Ego” that always looks for something that confirms what it wants you to believe, rather than the message you are receiving that would seem to contradict what they believe to be right.


In many ancient societies, such as those of Egypt and Greece, dreaming was considered a supernatural communication or a means of divine intervention, whose message could be interpreted by people with these associated spiritual powers. However, in today’s society which considers itself above certain views, it seems more natural to follow the various schools of psychology and neurobiology who have offered theories about the meaning and purpose of dreams. Having dedicated a number of years to the subject and the study of it, I have come to the conclusion that in effect both are right and wrong in equal measures, that it is incorrect and presumptuous to assume that a dream may only belong to one category or another and that in reality, most dreams include an element of both, Interpreting a dream can often give results which are very surprising, regardless as to whether we may consider it to be of importance or not, the memory of the dream is usually what determines how important that dream is to be properly interpreted.


£: 50.00 


Healing just like disease comes in many different forms and works on many levels, though for the most part, it can be divided into 4 levels; Physical, Emotional, Mental & Spiritual. The techniques necessary to achieve this are varied, and it is really up to the individual as to how far he or she wants to take the healing process. Most are quite a contempt to receive healing energies either through touch or at a distance, but there are some for whom this is not enough, who need to go into the healing process much more deeply in order to eradicate the root of their dis-ease. Healing is actually the very basis of why I became a “Holistic Teacher” as there is a part of healing in any practice I undertake. I have always been a natural prana-therapist (the ability to pass energy to another with intent to heal the person) however I found it both very tiring and sometimes just not enough, it is for these very reasons that I have studied and have received activations on a variety of healing techniques like “Medicine Buddha”, “Reiki”, Psych-K and ThetaHealing so as I could finally unroot those things that were standing in the way of all that I could be.

Healing can be anything from a simple cleansing of one’s energy to the removal or help in the treatment of more complex physical diseases that can be deadly, such as cancer, etc. It is also for this very reason that it is impossible to say how long a course of treatments might go on for, in some cases the problem can be solved in just half-hour, some even in a single 2 hour sitting like in ThetaHealing and Psych-K (2 hours is the minimal sitting for these 2 disciplines), others can take weeks and months of therapy before the full results are seen, and sometimes unfortunately, all a therapist can do, is assist in the most difficult of stages which we know as death.

Before asking to receive healing, I always suggest a chat with the therapist in order for them to completely understand the base problem and be able to fully explain what options are available to you, it will then be up to you to make your considerations and see what you feel most at ease with. But if you do not feel at ease with talking about the issue at hand you can always request a distance healing and let the therapist, the universe and your destiny heal you as best it can.  

cost of a single sitting from :

£30.00 to £120.00 



I have been a Certified ThetaHealer® and have completed the Basic DNA seminar in 2013, due to my understanding and practice with ThetaHealing® and my friendship with several people who have reached the Master level, I have been working at the Advanced DNA level for several years and have come to my own understanding of the process in the ThetaHealing® technique to help anyone interested in this alternative modality. 

ThetaHealing® is a meditational process that creates physical, psychological and spiritual healing. It is a complimentary alternative health modality that helps alleviate stress and anxiety, facilitates in deep relaxation and mental clarity, stimulates the endorphin release and promotes euphoria.

The ThetaHealing® technique can be used to compliment traditional medicine but it is not a replacement. Through a meditational process the ThetaHealing® technique accesses the  ‘theta’ brainwaves to help in the healing changes you may need for your well being. Using meditation and prayer, the ThetaHealing® Technique creates a positive lifestyle.

What is the ThetaHealing® technique?

The ThetaHealing® meditation technique was created by Vianna Stibal in 1995 during her own personal journey back to health.  Her original book details her personal healing journey and her connection to the Creator utilizing her meditation technique.  She did not start teaching the ThetaHealing® technique until 2006 or so, after she had perfected the technique on herself.

We believe by focused prayer utilizing a “Theta” and “delta” brainwave (incorporating physics and quantum physics), you can actually witness the Creator Of All That Is create instantaneous physical and emotional wellbeing. We have learned that through the ThetaHealing® Technique intuitive abilities can be used to bring about spontaneous changes and physical and emotional wellbeing.

To Learn more about the ThetaHealing technique, visit

“ThetaHealing® and ThetaHealer® are registered trademarks of THInK at


Having researched this technique further, I have found many similarities between this technique and some of the work mentioned by one of the great pioneers of modern spirituality Madam Helena Blavatsky, who actually fully investigated the potential of this kind of technique, Blavatsky however used a different technique and incorporated other elements in order to achieve the desired outcome, which is actually the same technique I have used for the past 6 years as I found the teachings given lacking through no fault of any teacher.

cost of a single sitting:

£60.00 p.h. 

Suggested first appointment 2 hours

The "Energy Vibrational Consultation"

The Energy Vibrational Consultation was born about 14 years ago from the need to better understand my Vibration and that of others. Over time, it developed into a real consultation and about 8 years ago I started to use it in my everyday work and consultations though I do many different types of consultations as any half-decent Holistic Operator should do. With time it has become so accurate and so good, that I decided to dedicate a page to it, the one you are currently reading. To me, the purpose of any consultation is to clean up, raise and maintain a higher vibration than when you first met me, so no matter which of the many consultations you are looking for, my ultimate goal is to bring you to have a higher vibration than when we first met.

Should you decide to try this method of consultation, I will teach different techniques necessary to obtaining such results and how to maintain it too, I will ensure that by the end of it, you will be in perfect alignment with your true self and with the Universe.

This method, though initially passed on through personal consultation, will be more than just a generic knowledge 

This is due to the use of different techniques and a thorough knowledge of the Universal Laws and in this case in particular, of the law of Energy and Vibration. Through consultation as well as obtaining an energetic cleanliness and the teachings necessary to raise and maintain an ever higher vibration.

By following what is transmitted to you, you will have the opportunity to better understand what you are, your Divinity, your place in this Universe, and how to be in perfect alignment with yourself and get what you want from your life. Whatever hex is. In addition to freeing yourself from different patterns and disages, you will have the opportunity to understand another of the Universal Laws. The Law of Attraction, and using your new knowledge you will find the method to align yourself with the manifestation of your desires, which will lead you to your economic and emotional freedom. Free to be whomever you choose to be!

cost of a single sitting:

£60.00 p.h. 

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