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The Hosts

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There is a very good reason why though this website is dedicated to one person only, there are actually 3 Hosts to it as each one of these "Personas" is in fact a very important factor of who I am and what has brought me to right here and right now, There is Peter Dharma Walker who represents the "Teacher" and the spiritual side of me. The second of these is called Peter The Truth Seeker, this persona is the "Researcher" who has spent the past 35 years in search of the answers that will be explored through this website and the various social media articles you will find. Last, but never least is Peter Bailey, the man who has lived through it all and come out the side to be all that he is now.


Peter Bailey 

This side of me, even though you might say is the only side is made of what nurture gave me, It is the child, the boy and the man that has lived through it all and still comes up on top, it is my strength, my Love.  


Peter Dharma Walker

This particular side of me represents all that I have learned and put into practice through the years, he is my spiritual self, the leader, the one who keeps going not because he needs to, but because it is right to do so.


Peter The Truth Seeker

The truth is something little known and seldom told, it has been so for as long as I can recall, and something that belongs to all, this side of me has researched, learned and probably forgotten more than many would imaging, yet no matter what he pursues in his quest to bring Truth into this world.


I was born in 1969 in England, my family moved to Italy in 1971, I have been dealing with the energies around me and others since my earliest recollection of life, I have always had the ability to see/feel the energies and consequently the entities to be when I was born, and this was contrary to what was taught at the time, consequently, like many others, I had phases in my life where I was more and less close to spirituality, I remember sitting behind a priest as a child (I was an altar boy as a child) and to have thought that one day I would have wanted to be a priest, but also that I would have wanted children, a partner next to me, and this too was contrary to what I had learned up to that moment. In a nutshell, everything I was, was contrary to religion. In 1984 I returned to England and here I had the opportunity to study and deal with people of different religions, despite various differences between them, as I began to learn more and more I understood a fundamental thing, no religion has all the truth, indeed, some are based entirely on what man wants to believe, and divine, sacred and spiritual, they have very little if anything and as a result, I completely abandoned the religious discourse and began to consider myself by definition an atheist, and I started to study psychology for myself to understand what actually keeps people going.


In April '89 I had an experience that changed my life forever, not only did I see everything I had lived and understood until then, but I had ... let's call it a vision, which led me to understand that my future, my life, had a well-defined role and that it was my destiny to follow this path. Due to the teachings received so far, I thought this would happen through a religion or belief system that would lead me to understand which direction to take, so I began to study all the sacred texts of all religions, to this I combined the different methods of divination, I learned magic and alchemy and in record time, I became a true expert on the subject. however something was missing, a method to control and remain conscious, so I decided to learn something that would give the right discipline to be able to control everything, the Meditation, even here, however, I found that my ability to enter an altered state was too much easy, and in a short time I was given the title of a teacher in this too, my ego continued to grow, due to two factors, the people I was dealing with knew much less than me and the fact that anyone I met in the sector continued and tell me how good I was and the success I would have. All this obviously brought nothing but continuous clashes, and to great disappointments due to continuous attempts that led to continued failures.


Unlike Italy, divination and mediumistic communication in England are not something hidden, on the contrary, there are conferences and places where you can go and get various readings or communicate with the afterlife, and I participated in these investments of both Diviner and Medium. Among the many colleagues I met in the different groups I worked with, I met a person who was not only very good at what he did, but was also the only person who had the courage to tell me for good reason! It was she who during a coffee break told me that despite all I knew and understood, what I had not yet understood was how big my "Ego" had become!

Despite my amazement and anger at her words, I immediately realized that in fact, she was completely right, in a short time, thanks to meditation and my knowledge of psychology, I began to realize and control this part of me that continued to give myself up, at the same time always thanks to this wonderful person, I had the opportunity to have my first energy treatment through a young friend of hers named Michael who offered "Reiki" energy treatments in one of these places where readings, etc. were made.


There is something that needs to be understood at this point, in the period when I started studying and looking around, there was still no talk of growth paths, energy, awareness or anything else as we do now, we were still in the dark of all that. We taught to Divinate, we taught magic, we taught how to activate one's psychic powers, the potential of all this, but everything else was and remained unknown to those who were not actually an enlightened one. The beliefs of the day were not on an evolutionary level, but on a personal level and of what the individual could do and obtain for himself and nothing else ... people were still full of the fears transmitted by their parents, by religions, everything the rest was nothing more than a myth, a knowledge that belonged to very few, and who was not part of those "Seven" as they were identified at the time, did not have access to this knowledge and just talking about it you risked being declared a heretic.


Personally, as I have already mentioned, I was already out of these schemes, and although my way of seeing things has caused me many troubles (especially and in particular with my loved ones in the family), I have continued to go on and to deepen always plus the energy talk, I was convinced that my meeting with Michael was no accident, nor were the discussions with Pat (the wonderful person I was talking about before), I instantly decided to be activated to this wonderful energy called Reiki, and such it was my dedication to the study and application of subtle energies, which in a short time (9 and a half months) went from being the turn of the day to being a Reiki Master, the latter activation, in fact, was made to me by Pat, whom she had just obtained the Master's level herself after years of studying with Michael, my first Master.


From there I have come a long way, and I have continued to evolve more and more. Not only at the level of knowledge but also at the energy level, I have studied and included in my life many energy disciplines, some available to everyone, others that I had the opportunity to study and learn thanks to having known unique beings, one of whom, a true Enlightened Master, a living Buddha. Everything taught me an important thing, nothing happens by chance, every being you meet, if you can learn from it, is your teacher and does not need to be a Buddha to do it, nor to know anything about subtle energies or spirituality. Now I teach, I teach what every being is capable or willing to learn according to its path, without ever interfering with its BEING.


I learned what true Compassion is, what Love is, and what Love really means, but above all, I learned what BEING means, without any attachment to who or what I am. As others see me, it doesn't belong to me, only two things belong to me: My Evolution, my Responsibility. and what I do and am can only be described with a word ..... LOVE.




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