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Writer's picturePeter Bailey

Realisations are an important part of our growth ....

To come to realise something is not to be aware ..... it is to take consciousness, the first step on the ladder to healing.

This post was a memory from a couple of years ago, at the time due to my own prospective I had suspended all consultations, yet with time you learn to let go of what is right for you and do what is right for all.

Today I find my self considering people’s behaviour

When most people first discover that you have taken a path of they go through several stages, especially when they find out that you are in any way psychic or that you have the ability to predict, heal or other …...

The pattern usually follows this trend:

As they become conscious of your ability, they become fascinated by you and the subject. As they come to realise just how much you know, they become your best friend and want to know it all … As they gain more and more perceptive as to whom you are, they often feel overwhelmed, they can even become aggressive, they refuse what they themselves cannot do or be in their mind, they are overcome, and can become hateful of you very easily, through no action or doing of your own. The last stage of this trend is that as they become aware as to just how different life really is, they feel the need to run away in fear, to hide under a rock, in the hope the fear may pass by them and not see them anymore.

What you might take from this?

Simple consciousness is just what it is, a fascination, a want and need in all of us to realise what life is really all about, for many is just a stage, a curiosity, for others like you and me, it is a way of life. The only thing that separates the two is knowledge, ignorance, yet what to us may be simple facts of life, for them it could be their curse, their karma, and you may not always understand that, but you might accept that not all are at your level of being, knowledge is not or can it never be being, we are all very complex beings, this is true, knowledge is the tool through which you may solve, yet not everyone is ready, it may take them time to realise..

Wisdom is not something we acquire, it is a greater consciousness that makes us who we are, you may show whom you are.”

but you must never assume they are ready to be like you, and yes, you may show them how to get there, but only when they ask you, and only give what is asked, no more, no less. But when you do, give them your all, your best in whatever they ask. If you can achieve this level of awareness, everyone can, this does not mean that they should or will! It means they can if they want to, and if it is their destiny is so, not all will be, though they may seem so at some time, they are not, and this is right too, we are not all alike, though we are a mirror of one another, we learn, we cry, we rejoice and we all love, all in our own individual way, we are not perfect, but it is our imperfections that makes us so, in this moment. We live in a world full of opposites, some attract, some repel, none are wrong, they just are what they are right now, it is only our perception that can make them right or wrong and that can and often does change as we go on in life, there are only two things in this world that cannot be influenced by momentary perception, one of them is the Total Truth, but that may only be perceived by an awakened, enlightened man or woman, the other, the one that we can all see in our moments of clarity, is the Love that we perceive through our Soul

Love, All-Ways. Peter <3

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